Monday 26 September 2016


When I finally arrived at my destination it was late. So late that I didn't even take any of my belongings out of my Jeep. If any of you know anything about oilfield towns you would know this was a terrible idea. It was just so late when I pulled up to my new house that all I could think of was food and sleep. So when Ed met me at the door and showed me to my room all I did was fall into bed and sleep. It wasn't long before the dream started...

"Josie, I can't do this anymore. I really just think it's best that we go back to being just friends."

I pulled the car over at that moment in shock. " Jeremy did you just say what I think you said?"

"Yea Jos, I did."

"Okay then. I'm going to go."

I sat there for a while watching as the snow fell down around me. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I didn't even know how to comprehend my feelings. It wasn't until Sean piped up that I realized that I had been just sitting there for a while. 

"Jos? Are you ok? What just happened?"

"Jer and I just broke up I think.."

"Again? Is it for real this time?"

" I think so. I guess I'll find out." And with that I put my car in drive and continued the drive home. Getting home was now the biggest priority I had. 

"Jos, I'm sorry you know."

"For what Sean?"

"For how bad things always happen to you on this day."

"It's okay. I knew something big was going to happen today. Your mom's birthday is just a bad day for me."

The drive felt like forever. Sean didn't say anything else and neither did I. I dropped him off and continued the couple minutes drive to my house. Sasha could tell something was up and so did Fred as they both wouldn't leave me alone as soon as I got into the house. 

"It's okay babes, lets just go to bed. It's just us now." 

Just as a was about to climb into bed my phone went off. I saw it was Jeremy and I already knew in my gut I wasn't going to like what I saw. 

"I'm sorry Jos. You and I both know this is for the best."

As I pulled the ring off I couldn't keep myself together anymore. I slid to the floor and let the tears flow freely. Sasha tried licking away my tears but eventually just curled her furry body up beside me and eventually Fred joined us. I hated that I let Jer in. I just felt like I was breaking.

I woke up with a start and checked the clock. It was early, really early. My body clock was still a few time zones east, but really I knew the dream is what caused me to be up early. My dreams lately alternated between the bad and the disgustingly good things that happened during my four year relationship with Jer, but this was the first time in a long time I had a dream about our breakup. The dreams always left me shook up and anxious for the day. As much as I wanted to stay in bed I knew I had things to do. I started my job in twenty four hours and needed to be prepared.

 As I walked out to my jeep I immediately noticed something was wrong. Someone had tried to break in, fortunately unsuccessfully. With that I learnt my first lesson in my new city, never leave anything in your car unattended I had gotten lucky this time. Unloading took longer than I thought thanks to the fresh snow, but I was determined to get it done. Throughout unloading I quickly learnt lesson number two about an living in an oilfield town, no one will help you with anything. My new roommate sat in the couch and watched me struggle for hours lugging my belongings in. Being someone that always steps in to help I was a little confused and angry that he didn't even offer up help.  The next problem that presented it's self was that my room was so tiny that most of my belongings needed to stay in boxes stacked in my room. I had a trail to my closet my bed and the door when I was finally done. I knew I was going to need to search for a new place quickly.

With my unpacking complete I decided to go for a drive and see what this town had to offer. Although I had done research on it prior to moving it didn't prepare me for anything I saw. There was litter everywhere, the city just looked dirty and sad. The more I drove around the more I was starting to think I made a mistake. The nerves from my dream weren't helping either. I tried to push the feelings down, but nothing made the feeling go away.

Sunday 25 September 2016


I have posts done I just had no time to edit lately!!! I bought a new equine partner who needs a lot of work and was forced to euthanize my other as his injuries were too severe. So I haven't felt motivated to edit to be totally honest. My work schedule has gotten crazier than I thought too, I'm working seven days a week. I'll have a post up first thing tomorrow! Hopefully another late this week as well to make up for my lack of posting.

Sorry again! And I hope everyone is having a great weekend.