Wednesday, 10 August 2016


I woke up the next morning to snow, a lot of snow. I am actually one of those weird people weird people that loves snow. I love looking out and seeing how pure and white it is. One of my favorite things to do in the winter is curl up by a window with some hot chocolate a good book and watch it fall. All the best parts of movies happen while the snow is falling, which is probably why I get this magical feeling every time I see it falling. I have this dream that one day I will have a team of Clydesdale horses that  will pull my sleigh to get my Christmas tree, so far it's still just a dream.

Today I hated the snow. If there is one thing I can tell you about Saskatchewan is that it's really flat, not every where but mostly it's FLAT. With the fresh snow everything looked the same. I couldn't tell where the road was and fields started. As far as I could tell there was no rhyme or reason to the path's made by other people tires. GPS probably would have helped me at this point, or maybe even cell service so that I could use Siri or google maps. As I made my way down the stairs I had decided that I would wait for the plow to go by and then be on my way.

"Josie dear." Aunt Ruth hollered at me from the kitchen. "How would you like your eggs?"

"Aunt Ruth, you didn't need to make me breakfast." I strolled into the kitchen and sat myself at the table. "But since you're already cooking, can I have scrambled eggs please?"

"I figured you would ask for scrambled eggs. I was starting to worry about you when you didn't come down right away."

"I saw the snow and figured there was no rush until the plows go by at least." I sighed. " I didn't think there was supposed to be this much snow when I checked the weather last night."

"Josie, you're in Saskatchewan never trust how much snow they say we are supposed to get." Aunt Ruth laughed as she set down a heaping plate of breakfast in front of me.

I'm not sure about everyone else families, but mine seems to think everyone is dying of starvation and that we require heaps of food to stay alive. My plate was overflowing with sausages, bacon, ham, fresh bread. eggs and hash browns.

"Aunt Ruth, there is no way I can eat all of this!"

"But Josie you're so skinny, you must eat." I am in no way as skinny as my aunt was saying. I had recently lost weight, but I was still on the chunky side. " I only put half what I'm giving Sam on your plate."

"He can take half of mine too!" I joked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Funny Josie, but really you should eat. I'm sure you haven't been eating well on your drive." Uncle piped up. " I also hear there was some table dancing last night."

"How have you heard about that already?!"

"News travels faster here than it does anywhere else. Plus having someone new in town speeds up the gossip train." Uncle chuckled. "I think you should stay another night. This snow isn't going to let up any time soon."

"I only have 10 hours of driving left to do. Even with a later start I can still make it there today."

"You're going to be waiting a long time before this snow settles down. It sounds like it is going to be sticking around for a while. You may as well stay tonight too."

It didn't really take much convincing to get me to stay. The opportunity to sleep was way to appealing. Also Aunt Ruth's cooking is fantastic. I took some pain killers and crawled right back into bed.

Next thing I knew I was being woke for dinner. I took a quick look out the window to see that unfortunately the weather had not changed. My hopes on leaving early in the morning were dwindling fairly quickly at this point. I hadn't factored in the weather keeping me stuck somewhere for a day or two. I started my new job in just a few days and I really needed to be on the road tomorrow or I wouldn't get a chance to unpack at all.

After dinner I went right back to bed. My injury was really bothering me, probably from all the table dancing (note to self to stay sitting from now on when I'm drinking). To my surprise when I awoke the next morning the sun was shining and the roads had been plowed! I was more than ready to get on the road and finish up the last stretch of my journey. I scarfed down breakfast quickly as I let my jeep warm up.  After promising to come back to visit some time soon I got myself on the road. Before I knew it I was an hour from my destination and yet another storm settled in. I should have taken this as a sign of what was to come but instead I just kept driving into the white wall of snow just hoping to stay on the road.